The Most Effective Ways to Overcome the Effects of Smoking Vs. Eating Weed

The article below looks at the most effective ways to overcome the effects of smoking Vs. Eating weed. The most common types of weed from the Cannabis plant and include Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.  The differences between the two types of weed vary depending on their effects on a person and the area where they come from. Because of their different effects, a person’s experience varies from another. Despite that, a person’s method to take them may greatly influence the weed’s effect. There are two routes of taking weed, that is, eating or smoking.

Excessive use of weed may lead to addiction, hallucinations, confusion, and depersonalization, among other effects. Taking weed for a long time basis can render a person poor. This is due to the high tendency of wanting more of the drug leading to the person spending a lot of his money on them.

The Most Effective Ways to Overcome the Effects of Smoking Vs. Eating Weed


Smoking and eating weed being the commonly used ways in taking weed has severe effects on the human being. One effect of smoking and eating weed is that it may lead to the da of the lungs. Also, consuming weed can cause cancer. Below are the most effective ways a person can use to overcome Smoking vs. Eating weed effects.


Although it is not easy for an overindulged person to do this, having a little time for you can help ease the effects of Smoking vs. Eating weed effects . One can chill around doing what they like best like listening to music, singing, dancing, watching a movie or even playing a game alone in a quiet place.

Eating a lemon

If you are a lover of fruits, then lemon can be your best choice. Lemons are known for their cooling effects; therefore, squeezing lemon juice into your water or eating it raw can help counteract the effects of weed helping you to come down.

Taking pine nuts

Consuming pine nuts is another deal that can help a person to reduce Smoking vs. Eating Weed effects. Pinene, which is a compound found in pine nuts, is believed to have a calming effect. It also helps in improving clarity. Research also says that pinene is one of the terpenes that gives the pine-like aroma while smoking cannabis. A person who has underlying issues of tree nut sensitivity should opt-out of this method.

Doing something else

Forgetting about your high status and focusing on something else, such as watching videos ,  writing or any other thing, can help to steer yourself, thus reducing the effects of weed on your body. This is because you will certainly feel relaxed.

In conclusion, besides there being ways to curb the effects of smoking vs. eating weed, it is not good for your health. Also , weed consumption is illegal for people less than eighteen(18) years old.

Electric fencing as a Preferred defense for bears

Bears are well known to be more active species during day time. However, they still raid at night as they are not human friendly. They are known also to be very good at smell senses compared to dog for instance. This is helpful to get ideal locations of food. Various agricultural operations such as dump sites for carcass, fruit orchards, grain sheds, landfills, beehives, coops for chicken as well as livestock are major sources of food to bears.  

Electric fencing therefore is one of the most preferred method to keep bears within a designed location. Bears are aggressive and very dangerous and therefore the electric fences have to be used together with proofing bear strategies. Experts of wildlife recommend that the following configuration for fencing be taken into consideration. 

A 42 inches fence height of a 7-wire make  

This particular design functions better to deter black and grizzly bears. The advantage with this design is that it does not limit the passage of other animals such as elk and deer.  

A 54 inches fence height of a 7-wire make 

This type of fencing is used basically to deter black bears and grizzlies from lambing places having minimal to moderate potential. Additionally, places having chicken coops and beehives are well protected.  

A 60-72 inches fence height of a 9-11 wire make 

This is primarily used to deter bears when the activities carried out in a certain location posse a high risk to people. 

Bear electric fencing 

Electric fences are built to deter predators like bear by giving an electric shock when it touches the naked charged wire. Under normal cases, the fence acts as an open circuit having continuous electric pulses produced by energizer flowing through the length of the wires. When the bear touches this wire, it completes the circuit causing the electric pulse to travel back and forth to the energizer causing repeatedly electric shock. 

 Bear possess a major threat to humans’ livestock’s, exotics, horses etc. thus, preventative measures such as the implementation of an electric fencing can significantly add to an improved coexistence. There are many designs of electric fences based on use. The fence should serve as a physical barrier and further shock adequately to ensure that bears keep off from the fences. To ensure this, the fences needs to be very strong, with closely spaced wires and preferable taller the bears.  

It may be viewed as a complicated and an expensive way to deter bears. However, its effective in cost and simplest way to contain bears. Maintenance is relatively cheap and economical to create. For areas with landfills permanent fences are recommended to be build. Unlike lead propelled gun powder, electricity shock is better preferred because it is not harmful or lethal to the bear. Such a fence is more humane as it will only shock the animal when it gets touched. Bears will most likely keep off the fence due to persistent shock. However, daily patrols are recommended to ensure that incase a Bear is caught between the electric fence it can be quickly rescued to save its life. Continued stresses from the shock can cause death. 

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